Home Registration
Conference FeeDeadlines for lowered conference fee payment is delated to 20 june 2006. Payment by VISAhttp://www.rodensetspatium.unipr.it/moduliPDF/VISA.doc MS-Word version http://www.rodensetspatium.unipr.it/moduliPDF/VISA.pdf PDF version Payment by Bank The account holder is JASA DI BERGAMASCHI E NIEDER SAS
BANK CASSA DI RISPARMIO DI PARMA VIA UNIVERSITA’ 1 43100 PARMAITALY ABI 06230 CAB 12700 Account number 000036047101 ---------------------------------- IBAN ELETTRONICO IT17S0623012700000036047101 ---------------------------------- SWIFT BIC CRPPIT 2 P 452 Payment of the registration fee must be made in €. Lowered Participants from Eastern Europe and Africa | before June 20 after June 20 | €150 €200 | Regular Participants from other countries | before June 20 after June 20 | €300 €350 | Students* | before June 20 after June 20 | €150 €200 | Accompanying persons | before June 20 after June 20 | €200 €250 |
Associazione Teriologica Italiana
The Italian Journal of Mammalogy
Centro di Ecologia Alpina di Monte Bondone (Trento)
COOP Liguria
Parco Naturale di Paneveggio e Pale di S. Martino